The Complete Freaking Moron's Guide to GMing

So, I found out that I'm going to be a GM. Ever since I started playing, I've been waiting for this opportunity. Those fools have no idea what they have unleashed on their players. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, now that I have taken my medication, allow me to clarify. I am thrilled with this opportunity. But with great power, comes a great migraine. Being a GM is not the same as being a player. There is a lot more to do and you want to make sure everything goes well so the players had a rewarding and challenging experience. If it wasn't fun, you did it wrong. So, here we go. 1. Have plenty of supplies. As a player, all you really need is a figurine, a set of dice, maybe pen and paper, and your character sheet. GMs need more. You need printouts, maps, Hero Point tokens, a notebook and pen. I haven't even mentioned figures and dice. You want plenty of both. Not just to represent the enemies. Keep in mind that your tabl...